Thursday, November 20, 2008

mmm listening . . .

This is my first time at the Sydney Opera House. Inadvance this is my cell phone . . . i wasn't sure if i could sneek in a camera so i didnt. . . Sooo Why are we here. . . were here to see The Primary Choral Festival : The Argyle Concert. Where there are a bunch of school all singing together. Johnno's little brother Cameron is singing in there. This happened August 11, 2008.

Was checking out the bathroom while someone was in the restroom. Thought it was pretty. . .

How the seat looks like

My seat . . .

I think he is a Uncle , Cammie, Sam.

Cammie and Sam

Robyn and Cammie


1 comment:

fototaker Tony said...

Great pictures!! I DO believe you have been to the Opera House previously, and you don't seem to remember that! Looks like I am not the only one who snaps pixs inside the bathrooms!! HUGs